shows that lotteries, contrarily to what many people think, follow a
behavior pattern. When comparing the expected behavior with the real
reseults, you can play more rationally.Your game
strategy must begin by the analysis of which groups of templates (start
and type) have the largest difference in relation to foreseen results.
Advanced: bet on the groups that are occurring more
often than expected, if you believe that they are in fashion
and will go on occurring more often. |
Delayed: choose groups which came out less than
expected, if you think that they tend to reduce their lateness and
will reach the expected value. |
After defining your strategy, look for the best
templates of the chosen group. Then finally choose the numbers that fit
inside these templates.
How to look for templates
Go to the templates
Analyze the situation of types and starts
Define your strategy
Choose the start
Select the possible type
Click type to find the templates
Choose the template
Form your game
After choosing your template, you can consult the statistics of the
numbers (simple
to help your decision or use our game generator (see
example in Super Sena).
In lotteries that already have
a great number of contests, it is interesting to see how they have
been lately behaving. Then select the number of drawing lots
informing the initial and final drawings.
Before closing your game look
at the last results in the drawings table. Even the more recurrent
template rarely come out in drawings very close to one another
(except in lotteries like California Fantasy 5 or New york Take 5,
that have small sample spaces). Also observe if the types and
starts are within the expected regularity.
It is important to observe the rule of the average
sum when choosing the numbers.